Sunday, 31 August 2008

Cheeky Grin

My friend's son. How could I resist that cute little grin. I think it would probably look better without the person in the background, but I still like this one.

Pentax K100D
Leicestershire, UK

Saturday, 30 August 2008

Gardening With Mum

The gorgeous daughter of a friend. I like how only my friend's legs are in the picture; giving perspective to the daughter and also allowing her to be the centre of the photograph.

Pentax K100D
Leicestershire, UK

Friday, 29 August 2008


So far I am struggling to take interesting pictures in bad weather but I like this one, especially as it wasn't posed.

Pentax K100D
Oxfordshire, UK

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Curious Sheep

I love sheep. Hence the photo of a sheep. I approached this one very, very slowly to try and get as close as possible. I definitely need a longer zoom.

This shot is also my first attempt at using photoshop. I hope to learn more and more as times go on. I am still torn between leaving a shot as it is... in its pure form... and turning it into 'art' by using photoshop to its full advantage. For now my photographs are a combination of both. There is, I imagine, a time and a place for both.

Pentax K100D
Oxfordshire, UK

Wednesday, 27 August 2008


Another shot I love for it's simplicity. I like how such little detail can convey so much.

Pentax K100D
Oxford, UK

Tuesday, 26 August 2008


Another example of the simplicity of a shot being appealing to me. I didn't realise until I took up photography how much I liked architecture!

I'm sure taking a shot of the sun like this is against all pro rules but I do like it.

Pentax K100D
Oxford, UK

Monday, 25 August 2008


I didn't actually mean to get myself reflected in this shot, though I do like the end result. I liked the different textures here; the wood, the stone, the brick, the glass. And the simplicity of the shot.

Pentax K100D

Sunday, 24 August 2008

Divinity Street

I love taking pictures of flowers! (That will soon become clear.. :-)).

I'm also loving playing around with the aperture settings to get the blurred house/sharp flowers effect. Though I am having trouble getting exactly what I want in focus.

N.B. Divinity Street is a street in Oxford that has lots of fabulous doorways.

Pentax K100D
Oxford, UK

Saturday, 23 August 2008

The Beginning...

As a student of photography, I wanted to have a place to follow my development and ideas... so here it is... The Beginning of a need to make it public perhaps except that I am loving the blogging process...

(And you never know, some amazing photographers might deign to give me some tips on what they see on my pages...

The plan is to post a photo each day with a comment but this will be very dependent on my health and ability to go out and take said photos, here's hoping!

Let the process begin...